
Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Martyn: at least, not for saying 4 simple words
Martyn: perhaps for his efforts during the Cold War ;p
Martyn: which, of course, were central to the divided Germany
Raimo: zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Raimo: oh sorry
Raimo: I dreamed you being an asshole and talking about history while we had our precious moments
Raimo: oh wait
Raimo: that actually happened
Martyn: oh sorry
Martyn: I dreamed you were trying to be funny and failed
Martyn: oh
Martyn: wait
Martyn: that just happened
Raimo: oh
Raimo: sorry
Raimo: I dreamed I came over and kicked your ass
Raimo: oh wait
Raimo: that was my sixth sense predicting the future
Martyn: I'd get it checked
Martyn: oh wait, that's right, it doesn't exist1
Raimo: I prefer exist over exist1, it´s so.. racial
Martyn: I'd prefer exist! over exist1
Martyn: they're close relatives" - by Raimo Pregel (Veebruar 2008)

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