"More often than sometimes your subconscious is acting on behalf of karma. If you start being arrogant and/or taking something for granted - some might understand it better as jinxing, then it will kick you off your high horse by attracting the opposite to be true, because one of its main goals is to make it possible for you to learn a lesson and guide you to being a better human. Yes, of course, it is still possible that the activity you took for granted, is doable by force, even if everything else seems to show you a sign that this is not going to happen. But for me it is like paying to dine in a restaurant with an excellent chef who will prepare the food with love and you have two choice - either you are able to go an hour sooner and take your time to enjoy the food or you have to go exactly on time and you have to finish the dish in a minute and will probably burn your tongue. In both cases you will get the experience, but in one you will actually enjoy everything, receive the experiences when you are ready for them and with that will you be more in sync with yourself whilst the other will /get you the experience/ but.. at the cost of having /no meat on the bones./ More often than sometimes, most people choose the latter, because they don´t know the value of the former." Raimo Pregel
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