
Saturday, October 30, 2010

"It´s hard to get to know who you are if you´re not devoting any time for yourself." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"You never get lost, sometimes you just lose your way." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Hierarhia on mäng." by Raimo Pregel


"Hierarchy is a game." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Kerge on olla enesekindel, kuid raske on ebakindlusest vabaneda." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Igal situatsioonil on võimalik üks lihtne seletus ja sellele järgnevad teooriad." by Raimo Pregel

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Tahte olemasolul on harjutades tähtis pidev analüüs, et tagada jätkusuutlik areng." by Raimo Pregel

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Elu alus on tahe." by Raimo Pregel

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"If you are ready to deal with the consequences then and only then you are truly ready to take the action." by Raimo Pregel

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"Elu tuleb elada läbi jaatuse, kuna eitus tekitab blokeeringuid ja hoiab elu tagasi." by Raimo Pregel

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"Tahan katsetada ja kaotada 1000 ebamäärast mõtet, et tekitada võimalus leida vähemalt 1 kindel." by Raimo Pregel

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"I don´t always need to do what I want to do, but it is very important for me to discover what I want to do." by Raimo Pregel

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"Always REFRESH yourself after an incident to stay objective, DON`T GET ATTACHED TO PREVIOUS SITUATIONS, every situation is always new --- after the refresh, that let yourself go and continue." by Raimo Pregel

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"When you´re learning something, analyze it every now and then and see if you´re progressing. If not, pick a new aspect to concentrate on --- bring in a game changer of any sort. If every need is met for a lesson to be learned - LEARN IT and move on! Your next lesson is already waiting for you." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Monday, October 11, 2010

"PICK QUALITY! .. instead of quantity. Devote everything that is needed for the quality, get it and you won´t need to run back and forth for no reason while never actually getting your appetite satisfied." by Raimo Pregel

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"When making strict detailed plans you deprive yourself of the possibility of spontaneity." by Raimo Pregel

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Aegluubis saab teha maailma parimad otsused." by Raimo Pregel

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"Resolve the problems you have now, new level of unresolved problems are waiting for you." by Raimo Pregel
(comedy, but true)

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"Live wild, my wild child." by Raimo Pregel

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Iga liigutus on teadlik eneseväljendus." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Friday, October 8, 2010

"Pedagoogilise lähenemisega ei saa inimestele selgeks teha seda, mida nad ei tea, sest nad ei saa teada seda, mida nad ei tea. Andragoogiline lähenemine aitab mõista inimesel seda, mida ta veel ei mõista ja mida ta võib hakata mõistma lähiajal." by Raimo Pregel

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"Mida raskem on teatud tegevust teha, seda rohkem Sa sellest õpid, kui Sa seda teed." by Raimo Pregel

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Mida keerulisem on Sul ennast väljendada teatud hetkel, seda rohkem Sa sellest õpid, kui Sa seda teha suudad." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"I don´t do crazy things on daily basis, it is when I´m trying to explain my activities that they start sounding crazy." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Don´t worry about future problems, deal with them once you actually reach them. The solution, most of the time, is much simpler than thought at first because you can´t see the whole picture up front with the important details. Also, it is difficult to even know what will happen in 5 seconds let alone in the near future." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism

Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Over thinking is keeping yourself active in doing nothing." by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism