
Sunday, June 11, 2006

"Hundreds of thoughts cross my mind every single moment

about half a hundred thoughts are decisions that need to be made

about half of half hundred thouhts are correct in the end,

the other half- incorrect

but there is only one thought haunting me at the moment

what the hell am I going to write next?

but I don´t really let it disturb me, I just write..

There are always some thoughts that are more important than others

There are also some thoughts that aren´t important at all

.. some thoughts that you want to think of

and some thoughts you just do think of, but you don´t want to.

Mind power is strong, it can bring out the sun or the moon

it can make it snow or rain

it can kill everything and it can also make everything bloom

Thinking can ruin your day- turn everything upsidedown

.. or it can make the best day you ever had to face" by Raimo Pregel

> link to this aphorism